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Does Food addiction Exist?

Does Food addiction Exist? – A Radio 4 BBC programme asks if Food addiction really exists.

Listen to Does food addiction exist?

Overview of the programme

Could obesity, in some cases, result from an addiction, and if so, do we need to change the way we treat it?

When we think about addiction, drugs, alcohol or gambling come to mind. Though hardly uncommon, many people will go their whole lives without ever even dabbling in them. But could the everyday act of eating also be addictive? In excess, drugs, alcohol and gambling can cause massive physical and psychological harm, cutting across class, sex and age. But so can excessive eating. And if we’re to believe alarming predictions about rising obesity levels, then perhaps we need to consider looking at overeating from a different angle.

Gladstones Clinic offers a residential detox and rehab programme for eating disorders.

Gladstones operates two private residential rehab facilities in the South-West of England, and two in London. Our main office and facilities are located in central Bristol.

All Our clinics provide clients with a private room (en-suite) & full board included in the cost of their residential rehabilitation programme.

If you need to speak to someone right now about our eating disorder rehab clinics or for a confidential chat call us Freephone on 0808 258 2350 or email –

The full article from the BBC can be found here –

Other Support Organisations (as listed on

Overeaters Anonymous offers a programme of recovery from compulsive eating using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA. OA is not just about weight loss, weight gain or maintenance, or obesity or diets. It addresses physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, and welcomes everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively.  To find a meeting near you use their online directory

Visit –


Beat is a national charity providing information, help and support for people with eating disorders and their families   Beat provides helplines for adults and young people, online support and a UK-wide network of self-help groups to help people beat their eating disorder.

Helpline: 0845 634 1414 (weekdays 10:30am-8:30pm; Saturdays 1pm-4:30pm

Youth Helpline (up to the age of 18):0845 634 7650 (weekdays 4:30pm-8:30pm; Saturdays 1pm-4:30pm). Text service: 07786 201820 |


Anorexia and Bulimia Care (ABC) provides personal advice and support to anyone affected by anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and all kinds of eating distress. They support sufferers and their family and friends towards full recovery.

Helpline: 03000 11 12 13 (Parent Helpline: Option 1; Sufferer Helpline: Option 2) | Visit –


The National Centre for Eating Disorders aims to treat compulsive eating, anorexia, bulimia and weight problems by means of support, prevention and training.

Phone: 0845 838 2040 –


Weight Wise website, run by the British Dietetic Association, is an independent site with unbiased, easy-to-follow hints and tips – based on the latest evidence – to help you manage your weight for good. It will help you take a look at your current eating habits and physical activity levels and offer a practical approach to setting your own goals for lifestyle change.

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