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Conditions We Treat

Postnatal Depression Rehab Treatment

Written By Stuart Croft
Reviewed By Tiffany Green
Medically Reviewed By Wajahat Choudhry
Updated January 11, 2023

Postnatal or postpartum depression (PPD) is a mental health condition that may develop shortly after giving birth. Postnatal depression can leave new mothers feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and unable to cope with the demands of motherhood. It can cause persistent feelings of sadness, fatigue, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and a noticeable disinterest in the world around them. It’s estimated that between 6.5% and 20% of new mothers experience postnatal depression, with the first symptoms typically appearing within six weeks of giving birth.

While many women, up to 80%, might experience the baby blues during the first few weeks after giving birth, this is largely due to hormonal changes that normalise over the course of two weeks. Postnatal depression, on the other hand, is caused by the interplay between several factors and can last for several months. Left untreated, it has the potential to morph into an ongoing depressive disorder.

Gladstones Clinic acknowledges the intricacies and challenges of dealing with postpartum depression. We understand that a four-week residential rehab stay might be challenging for a family with a newborn and have created tailored programmes that provide targeted and tailored therapy based on your needs and your family responsibilities. 

Need help in beating postnatal depression?

Overcome postnatal depression and reclaim your happiness and quality of life. Take the first step with Gladstones Clinic for expert care, personalised treatment and lasting recovery.

Learn more about postnatal depression

What causes postnatal depression?

Postnatal depression is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors. One of the primary biological causes is the dramatic hormonal shift that occurs after childbirth. Hormones like oestrogen and progesterone increase dramatically during pregnancy and rapidly drop after delivery, potentially triggering mood swings and depression. Changes in thyroid activity post-delivery may also influence hormone levels in a way that causes fatigue, sluggishness, and triggers depressive thoughts. 

Psychological factors also play a role in the likelihood that a new mother will develop postnatal depression. The sudden shift in identity and responsibility, combined with sleep deprivation and the physical and emotional stress of childbirth, can be overwhelming and contribute to feelings of anxiety, inadequacy, and apprehension about motherhood.

Genetics also appear to play a role. Women with immediate family members struggling with depressive disorders are more likely to develop PPD. 

When to seek treatment for postnatal depression?

It’s important to recognise that certain depressive emotions and thoughts after giving birth are normal and typically go away by themselves after a few weeks of normalisation. If, however, they show no signs of dissipating after two weeks and the new mother is showing any of the signs of postnatal depression mentioned below, please consider seeking professional help in dealing with PPD. A newborn to take care of and nurture is a wonderful blessing, and targeted therapy has been proven to help new mothers overcome their postnatal depression and cherish each moment with their baby. 

What happens in postnatal depression treatment?

1. Assessment & Personalised Treatment Plan

Successful postnatal depression rehab treatment relies on being able to treat both the biological and psychological factors that contributed to its development. Complicating this is the fact that, in most cases, the new mother simply cannot take four weeks off from their responsibilities to seek full-time residential treatment. Gladstones Clinic takes all of these factors into consideration when designing an individually tailored rehab programme that addresses your unique needs while still allowing you to meet your family responsibilities.

2. Behavioural Therapies

Behavioural therapies play a pivotal role in PPD rehab treatment. Gladstones makes use of several treatment modalities within our integrated framework to help new mothers develop effective strategies to manage their symptoms and improve their mental health. While each patient’s treatment programme is built around their needs, PPD therapy typically includes a combination of CBT and DBT therapies (among others), which focus on identifying and negating negative thought patterns, increasing distress tolerance, and promoting healthy emotion regulation. 

3. Addressing Underlying Issues

Failing to address postnatal depression’s underlying contributing factors will do little more than provide temporary symptomatic relief. Whether your PPD is caused or exacerbated by personal factors such as poor or lacking interpersonal communication skills, past mental health issues, the shock of a dramatically changed lifestyle, or hormonal imbalances, we go out of our way to treat each factor and ensure a comprehensive and holistic recovery. 

4. Aftercare and Ongoing Support

Aftercare and ongoing support are essential components for the long-term recovery from postnatal depression. Gladstones’ secondary, tertiary, and aftercare programmes, which include services like continued therapy, access to recovery resources, and integration into a community of caring and supportive individuals, allow our patients to maintain and build upon the gains made during therapy. With Gladstones by your side, you can be sure of a full recovery that promotes a positive family environment.

Get professional help in dealing with postnatal depression

With personalised care and treatment, comfortable and relaxing facilities, and a 20-year track record of successfully treating our patients’ postnatal depression and other mental health disorders, Gladstones Clinic is the ideal partner to start your journey to recovery. 

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