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Conditions We Treat

Bulimia Rehab Treatment

Written By Stuart Croft
Reviewed By Tiffany Green
Medically Reviewed By Wajahat Choudhry
Updated January 11, 2023

Bulimia nervosa, often referred to as just bulimia, is a serious eating disorder marked by a destructive cycle of binge eating followed by compensatory behaviours like self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, or obsessive and excessive exercise. Those suffering from bulimia typically have an unhealthy obsession with their body shape, size, and weight, leading to intense feelings of guilt and shame after eating. In an attempt to regain feelings of control and dispel shame and guilt, they will take steps to avoid absorbing the calories they’ve consumed, often in secret. 

Bulimia nervosa poses a great threat to both physical and psychological health. It causes feelings of constant agony over food and eating, unnecessary psychological stress, and can have devastating long-term impacts on your physical health. 

Gladstones stands out as a compassionate and proven partner in dealing with eating disorders such as bulimia. Our deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of bulimia, skilled and experienced recovery team, and tranquil and relaxing residential treatment facilities combine to bring you personalised treatment that is integrative, holistic, and effective.


Need help in battling bulimia?

Overcome bulimia and reclaim your health. Take the first step with Gladstones Clinic for expert care, personalised treatment, and lasting recovery.

Learn more about bulimia nervosa

What causes bulimia?

Bulimia isn’t caused by one single factor. Instead, it is the result of the interplay between several genetic, psychological, social, and environmental factors. As with other eating disorders, there seems to be a link between bulimia and low self-esteem issues, perfectionism, and problems with control, while other genetic factors like impulsivity and sensitivity to reward and punishment also play a role in increasing vulnerability to bulimia. Biochemical factors, such as imbalances in brain chemicals that regulate appetite, stress, and mood, have also been linked to the development of bulimia.

Social and environmental factors that contribute to bulimia include societal pressures, cultural norms, and social media that emphasise thinness and ideal bodies, while constantly experiencing stress or conflict within the family can also contribute to the onset and continuation of bulimia. Understanding that bulimia is the product of a number of factors and cannot be attributed to a single ‘problem’ is key to developing treatments that are comprehensive and effective. 

When to seek treatment for bulimia?

Bulimia, like other eating disorders, affects both physical and psychological well-being. This makes the early detection and treatment of bulimia important in returning quality of life to those obsessing over food, as well as preventing the many physical symptoms and long-term damage caused by untreated eating disorders. Untreated bulimia can lead to irreversible organ damage and reproductive health problems and cause years of anxiety and unhappiness.

If you or a loved one are struggling with bulimia, please contact Gladstones Clinic if you recognise any of these symptoms in yourself or a family member.

What happens in bulimia treatment?

1. Assessment & Personalised Treatment Plan

Gladstones Clinic believes in treating each patient and their conditions as individuals. The first step of this process is to gain a thorough understanding of your eating disorder and all the factors that contribute to it. This allows us to create a tailored bulimia rehab treatment plan that focuses on unravelling and addressing all coexisting physical and psychological factors for sustained long-term recovery. 

2. Behavioural Therapies

Based on your unique situation, your behavioural therapies will include a range of clinically proven modalities, each with its own approach and goals. In the world of bulimia rehab, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is widely used as it arms the patient with the skills needed to critically evaluate and modify their unhealthy and obsessive thoughts and behaviours, while at the same time working towards developing healthy coping strategies to manage triggers and prevent relapse. 

3. Addressing Underlying Issues

Successfully treating bulimia also means successfully treating all of its underlying contributing factors. Depression, control issues, anxiety, substance abuse, and any number of other factors might all perpetuate bulimia. Our therapy sessions are designed to treat these underlying issues, empowering you to learn healthier ways of managing emotional distress.

Poor family dynamics, marked by conflict or miscommunication, often play a major role in developing bulimia. Teenagers are especially susceptible to this, and as such, family therapy frequently plays a major role in bulimia rehab treatment. Family therapy in this context allows for a rebuilding of trust, enhanced communication, and involving family members in the recovery process. 

4. Aftercare and Ongoing Support

Gladstones Clinic offers unparalleled secondary, tertiary, and aftercare support for patients in the process of beating substance abuse, eating disorders, and mental health disorders. Based on your exact needs, you could enter our secondary and tertiary care programmes that offer continued therapy, access to clean living facilities, skills-building workshops, and so much more, while our aftercare programme guarantees lifelong access to the Gladstones community and group therapy sessions. 

Get professional help in dealing with bulimia

With personalised care and treatment, comfortable and relaxing facilities, and a 20-year track record of successfully treating our patients’ bulimia and other eating disorders, Gladstones Clinic is the ideal partner to start your journey to recovery. 

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