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Ketamine Addiction Rehab Treatment

Written By Brian Davis
Reviewed By Tiffany Green
Medically Reviewed By Dr David Barker
Updated January 12, 2023

Ketamine, originally an anaesthetic, now known as a party drug with mild hallucinogenic effects, is seeing a worrying resurgence with ever-increasing recreational abuse statistics, especially among individuals ages 15 to 25. Ketamine, also known by street names like Ket, Bump, and Green, can cause cognitive impairments and severe bladder issues and is associated with various mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.

One of the main challenges in the world of ketamine addiction treatment lies in the fact that many of its users are so young. Ignorance of its long-term harm, stigma and uncertainty about rehab, and worries about the financial implications of residential rehab treatment all contribute to a delay in seeking treatment, compounding the physical and psychological harm of untreated ketamine misuse.

As one of the few addiction rehab centres in the south of England with the necessary resources to provide ketamine addiction rehab to teenagers, Gladstones Clinic is in the ideal position to help individuals overcome ketamine misuse. Our experienced substance abuse rehab staff understand the complexities of dealing with addiction in young people and employ a variety of proven modalities to help break the physical dependency on the drug before moving on to comprehensive care focused on developing long-term coping strategies and resilience.

Need help in battling ketamine addiction?

Gladstones Clinic has a proven track record and more than 20 years’ experience in helping people recover from ketamine addiction.

Learn more about ketamine abuse and addiction

Why do people abuse ketamine?

As a party drug, the increase in ketamine’s recreational use is largely attributed to its unique psychoactive properties. It produces a dissociative state, often described as an ‘out-of-body’ experience, coupled with hallucinations and a sense of detachment from reality. Many users, especially in the club or party scene, find these effects enticing and exciting. This escapism is particularly appealing to those who struggle with stress, anxiety, and the pressures of daily life. 

While the effects of ketamine are strong, they are not long-lived. Its rapid onset and short duration of effects encourage repeated use, leading to a cycle of abuse. Many users report taking ketamine, either swallowed in a capsule, snorted as a powder, or injected, multiple times per party session. In the worst-case scenario, this rapid and repeated use of ketamine can induce a ketamine hangover at the end of the session, prompting the user to take even more.

When to seek help for ketamine abuse

While ketamine doesn’t form a powerful physical dependency the way opioids do, its dissociative effects are powerful and easily attract the same crowd, weekend after weekend, party after party. In the long run, this regularly repeated abuse can lead to irreversible cognitive damage, including mood disorders and memory problems, as well as chronic bladder inflammation and pain when urinating.

If you or a loved one have experienced any of the warning signs of ketamine abuse below, please consider seeking professional ketamine addiction rehab services.

What happens in ketamine addiction therapy?

In recent years, Gladstones Clinic has noticed an uptick in the number of patients we see for ketamine rehab. While we are incredibly proud of the work our team of addiction specialists has done in helping our patients overcome their addiction, it must be said that seeking treatment without delay can help mitigate some of the more serious and irreversible effects of ketamine misuse.

1. Addiction Assessment & Consultation

More often than not, substance abuse in teenagers and young adults is exacerbated by several personal and environmental factors. Taking these into account is critical to long-term recovery. Before admission, we conduct an in-depth assessment of our patients’ drug abuse and physical health profile, diagnose any co-occurring mental health conditions, and evaluate other factors that would affect their tailored treatment schedule. Ketamine rehab that takes your background and lifestyle into consideration has a significantly higher success rate than standardised rehab.

2. Detoxification (Detox)

Removing all symptoms of ketamine from the system is the first medical step towards ketamine rehab and recovery. While each individual will experience detox and withdrawal symptoms differently based on various personal factors, ketamine detox is typically associated with two phases: an acute phase lasting roughly 72 hours and an extended detox phase lasting for up to several weeks. During detox, the patient might experience a range of uncomfortable physical and psychological symptoms; however, they have access to round-the-clock treatment from medical professionals who may prescribe medications to ease this discomfort.

3. Primary Care

Primary care commences once the patient has gone through the worst of the withdrawal symptoms and is stable and comfortable enough. Ketamine addiction treatment at Gladstones is tailored to each patient to ensure that all aspects of their triggers and addiction are comprehensively addressed, enabling them to fully understand all the factors that contribute to their cravings and develop actionable coping measures and strategies. This phase of care usually comprises a combination of psychiatric treatments, including CBT, DBT, and group therapy, alongside holistic therapies aimed at healing the whole being.

4. Secondary Care, Tertiary Care, and Aftercare

For many, access to ongoing support and care is critical to a full and permanent recovery from substance abuse, especially in cases where the patient is struggling with co-occurring mental health disorders. Gladstones Clinic offers secondary and tertiary care programmes designed to help our patients rejoin their communities with the best possible footing, providing ongoing therapy, outreach, and opportunities to join healthy social groups. Our aftercare programme is free and accessible to all former Gladstones patients for life, meaning you’ll never be alone in the dark again.

Get professional help in dealing with ketamine addiction

Ketamine addiction can very quickly spiral out of control and lead to devastating long-term effects.

Contact Gladstones Clinic for an obligation-free discussion of our clinic, treatments, and options available to you.

Want to learn more about ketamine addiction?

Gladstones Clinic regularly publishes high-quality and meticulously researched blog articles on a variety of topics related to addiction, disorders, and rehab therapy. These blog posts might be of relevance to you.

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