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Gladstones Clinic aims to ensure the highest possible standards of quality in its delivery of clinical and support services, in an environment that meets the needs of our clients. Occasionally, however, things can go wrong or not as we would like. In such circumstances, our clients are entitled to complain about our service and ask how we will aim to resolve the difficulty. We welcome comments, both positive and not so positive, as a way of improving our service.




Step 1 – Informal

In the first instance, any issue that cannot be resolved through conversation with support staff should be raised with the registered manager. The registered manager will listen and seek the best way forward to resolve whatever difficulties have been discussed. Most points of issue can be resolved through this informal process.


Step 2 – Formal

If the issue has not been resolved through the informal process, then the client should address a written complaint to the registered manager. This can either be done by sending an email to, or by letter, addressed to:

The Registered Manager, Gladstones Clinic Cotswolds, Narles Farm, Dursley Road, Cambridge, Gloucestershire, GL2 7AB.



The registered manager will acknowledge the complaint within 3 working days of receipt. An investigation into the circumstances of the complaint will then be undertaken.

The investigation should be completed, and the client should be informed of the outcome within a maximum of 28 days from receipt of the complaint, although most complaints will be dealt with much quicker. If, due to exceptional circumstances, the matter cannot be resolved within this timeframe, the registered manager must inform the client, provide a progress report, and estimate when the matter will be concluded. All efforts must then be made to conclude matters within the stated timescale.



If the outcome is still not acceptable to the client, they will need to appeal in writing to head office at:

Gladstones Clinic Limited, Wyastone Leys, Monmouth, NP25 3SR

The appeal must be received no more than 20 working days from the date of the formal complaint response. The appeal will be heard by Gladstones Clinic Responsible Individual Mr. Stuart Croft, who will explore all previous correspondence and decisions and make a final decision.



If staff become aware that something has gone wrong with a client’s treatment or care, then the organisation has a duty to inform the client. It is a legal obligation that care providers must inform the people affected by the incident, offer reasonable support, provide truthful information, and a timely apology. Any complaint that arises from a duty of candour conversation will be dealt with using this complaints procedure.



In all cases of complaints against a member of staff that cannot be resolved informally, advice will be sought from the organisation’s HR advisors. The line manager is responsible for informing a staff member of any complaint against her/him. This should be done verbally and confirmed in writing. The person will be kept informed of timescales and the stage in the procedure that has been reached.

As part of the investigation process arising from a complaint, the organisation may deem it necessary to remove a member of staff from a situation while an investigation is completed. This may include (but is not limited to) the member of staff temporarily working a different shift pattern or being suspended from work.

On completion of the investigation, the member of staff will be informed of the outcome of the complaint. There will be occasions when a manager feels it is not appropriate to alert a member of staff to a complaint. In all such cases, advice will be sought from the organisation’s HR advisors.

If the complaint against a member of staff is upheld, a record will be made on the personnel file. Information arising out of the investigation could be used to support any informal/formal action being taken under our employment policies. Should the outcome of a complaint imply misconduct or matters of capability, then our employment policies will be applicable.

Confidentiality must be maintained at all stages throughout the process, and all documents must be stored in line with Gladstones Clinic Group’s Data Protection Policy.

In the event that the complaint is against the Registered Manager, the investigation will be conducted by Mr. Stuart Croft, Responsible Individual, and the Clinical Director will act as the decision-maker. Should the Registered Manager wish to appeal the outcome of a decision made by the Director, they will do so to another Director.



Gladstones Clinic’s treatment contracts do not make provision for a refund of treatment fees. There may be cases where a client discharges from treatment in such circumstances that the organisation would consider holding a proportion of their fees as a treatment credit. These will be considered on an individual basis. Only in exceptional circumstances would the organisation consider a refund of fees.

Refunds, financial redress, or compensation can only be agreed upon by the group chief executive, or, where authorised to do so by the chief executive, the operations manager. Assessment of refunds, financial redress, or compensation will take into account all the circumstances and any other redress offered.



Issues relating to harassment, racial harassment, antisocial behaviour, and bullying should not be dealt with under this policy. Gladstones Clinic Group has other policies to address these areas, which conform to legal requirements and have fast-track procedures.



Date Reviewed by Changes Next Review
26/10/22 S Croft Addition of arrangements for complaints against registered manager. Change to appeal process. Oct 23
12/12/24 C Edwards Updated recipients of complaints Dec 25

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