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Cocaine Confessions – A Sky News Report

Sky News was granted rare access to Cocaine Anonymous, a support group where people meet to overcome their dependence on the class A drug.

`They met two women from different parts of the UK who started using cocaine when they were schoolgirls and whose addiction almost cost them their lives.

Wendy took her first line of Cocaine in a night club when she was 15.  “Once it started, I just couldn’t stop. And I didn’t want to stop. One line of cocaine is never ever, ever enough for me. Once I start, I’m never ever going to stop, so I had to stop”.

Sarah started taking Cocaine to help her party while doing her GCSEs!  “Somebody introduced me to cocaine and I thought: Brilliant. This is exactly what I need to be able to keep up. Then I just ran with it.”

By the time she was in her 20’s she was using it throughout the day. “While my friends were using recreationally, I had become very much the addict at this point.

At 27 she had ended up in hospital with an overdose. Then she lost her job and was living with her mum. However her mum said: “I just cannot watch you killing yourself and enable this process any longer. You need to find somewhere else to go.”

Both are receiving treatment through Cocaine Anonymous. Glastones addiction clinics also offer excusive treatment for drug users in our two private residential rehab facilities.

Their full story and interview is available from Sky News. Their accounts are based on interviews with Sky’s home editor Jason Farrell. Written and produced by David Mercer, news reporter.

Gladstones Clinic offers a residential detox and rehab programme for both alcoholism and drug addiction that applies abstinence-based, integrative treatments and a non 12-step philosophy as part of our treatment model.

We work with alcoholics and addicts and their families on a daily basis in our residential rehab clinic. We have seen the damage done to everyone involved. We apply our years of experience with the latest integrative treatment models and therapies in our highly successful practice.

Gladstones operates two private residential rehab facilities in the South-West of England, and two in London. Our main office and facilities are located in central Bristol.

All Our clinics provide clients with a private room (en-suite) & full board included in the cost of their residential rehabilitation programme.

If you need to speak to someone right now for a confidential chat call us Freephone on 0808 258 2350 or email –

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