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Covid19 – Gladstones Clinic – Staying Connected



Covid19 – Gladstones Clinic – Staying Connected

Gladstones Clinic would like to acknowledge the difficult times ahead by offering all of our clients the ability to stay connected and access support via digital means.

If you would like to be part of our virtual groups and/or one to one sessions please do contact us via the helpline. This includes remote aftercare groups to which attendance at the Clinic has been temporarily suspended in both of our locations.

It’s important also at this time to remember to continue with your daily routines as much as possible, put some extra emphasis on the following :

  • Remember it is natural to feel distressed during times of crisis.

Your feelings will be heightened and it’s important to acknowledge these feelings. Pause, breathe and focus on the present. Practise mindfulness and meditation exercises.

  • Stay connected to family and friends 

Talking to loved ones during this time can be a comfort and help for you to feel less alone. Set up a WhatsApp group and bring a little light.

  • Stop the scroll, manage your news intake & be careful what you read

Keep informing yourself of the news but limit your intake to find balance and to avoid stress. Avoid speculation and unfollow accounts adding to your stress.

  • Avoid burnout & stay active 

You may be working from home so create a similar routine to your normal day to day and try to stay as active as possible indoors, walking around & gentle exercise if possible.

And remember we are here to help – stay connected!

Due to social distancing on line meetings are available through fellowships, see below:

Cocaine Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous

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