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Paul Danan – Continued Sobriety and Helping Others

Paul Danan

Paul Danan – Continued Sobriety and Helping Others

The Gladstone Clinic would like to congratulate Paul Danan on his continued sobriety and his new venture helping addicts and alcoholics through drama therapy with The Morning After Theatre Company – Paul attended our Cotswolds clinic and over came addictions.

Paul recently spoke to the SUN newspaper on his journey –


With his money starting to run out, Paul was given a lifeline when he found a rehab facility, Gladstones, in the Cotswolds that could take him within the week.

“I spoke to this amazing woman there who talked me through it all and saved my life. I checked in and stayed there for three and a half months. It was there that I found out I wasn’t on the right ADHD medication but they sorted all that for me and got me an ADHD psychiatrist too.

“When I was younger I had no fear and knocked on doors to get my part in Hollyoaks, but I lost that guy. She told me he was still inside me and supported me to realise that dream.”

While still in Gladstones, Paul reached out to several drug and alcohol recovery centres and pitched his idea for therapeutic drama workshops. He found one in Bristol who loved the concept and, when he checked out of rehab, Paul decided to make a fresh start in the city.

There, Paul developed The Morning After Theatre programme. The workshops started off small on Zoom but quickly grew due to demand and he found a venue in Bristol to host the sessions.

“It’s just grown and grown and we are now a charity,” Paul smiles. “I have ten people working for me and a business partner who is investing money into it. We recently expanded to hold workshops in Oxford and Western-super-Mare.

“We are helping hundreds of people a week because drama is such great therapy and I feel like I’ve really found my calling.

“So many people fell into addiction, or relapsed during lockdown, the statistics are catastrophic, and it’s really important to break the stigma around that.”

The full interview and article is available to read

Gladstones Clinic offers a residential detox and rehab programme for alcoholism and drug addiction that applies abstinence-based, integrative treatments and a non 12-step philosophy as part of our treatment model.

We work with alcoholics and drug addicts and their families on a daily basis in our residential rehab clinic. We have seen the damage done to everyone involved.

We apply our years of experience with the latest integrative treatment models and therapies in our highly successful practice. Gladstones operates two private residential rehab facilities in the South-West of England, and two in London. Our main office and facilities are located in central Bristol.

All Our clinics provide clients with a private room (en-suite) & full board included in the cost of their residential rehabilitation programme. If you need to speak to someone right now for a confidential chat call us Freephone on 0808 258 2350 or email –

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