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Johann Hari TED Talks Video

Johann Hari TED Talks Video

Johann Hari’s 18 minute TED Talks Video, based upon his 2015 New York Times best selling book, “Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs”. Bloomsbury. ISBN 978-1-620-408902.

In this enlightening video Johann Hari asks some very common sense questions about the institutionalized assumptions that have been in place for decades around the issue of addiction. He highlights contrasts between the standard “War on Drugs” incarceration model and recent developments in how Portugal treats and rehabilitates its’ own addicts.

Hari points out how the “chemical hook” model for addiction is contradicted by evidence that suggests that addiction is actually related to disconnection. Healthy, happy, relationships-connected individuals who look forward to getting up in the morning somehow possess an immunity to the standard model of chemical hook addiction. Hari shows how this is reflected in both human and animal studies dating back to the Vietnam war where regular heroin users returned from war and simply stopped using heroin without any negative side affects or standard rehab treatments. Hari’s motto: The opposite of addiction is connection.

Gladstones Clinic applies this same attitude about addiction in our own treatment model. It makes no difference whether our clients are addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, social media or eating disorders. We treat all addictions the same and the purpose of our rehab programmes is to get to the heart of the pain, the wounds and the disconnections that allowed the addiction to take hold in the first place.

We highly recommend this TED Talk video. Take 20 minutes out of your life and prepare to have your assumptions and beliefs about addiction challenged and hopefully be inspired to apply a new perspective.

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